Ghosted edition by JM Darhower Literature Fiction eBooks

Ghosted edition by JM Darhower Literature Fiction eBooks
** spoiler alert **Well written however, I am sooo tired of weak female characters. The story was all about Johnny and how her life basically revolved around him. It's infuriating because I felt like Kennedy really wasn't her own person without Johnathan. The minute he comes back she barely puts up any fight before she accepts him back. The author did a poor job of showing any resilience Kennedy might have had by glossing over her futile attempts at rejecting him.
I prefer stories where females are independent and just as strong (if not more), as their male counterparts. I guess that's where I would relate more to the characters.

Tags : Ghosted - Kindle edition by J.M. Darhower. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Ghosted.,ebook,J.M. Darhower,Ghosted,J.M. Darhower,Fiction Coming of Age,Fiction Romance New Adult
Ghosted edition by JM Darhower Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
Stories like this feed my book junkie habit. Second chance love between two people who fell in love as teenagers and then years later reconnect always manage to capture my heart in the best way. It may be because I’ve experienced young teen love and teenage pregnancy myself but it’s also because I look at the world through ‘Jo coloured glasses’ and just want everyone to be happy.
Jonathan and Kennedy meet at high school and eventually a friendship between them blossoms into young love. She loves his creative mind and how he dreams of being a star, making it big in Hollywood. He loves having someone in his life that cares about him and loves him unconditionally. His home life is the polar opposite of Kennedy’s. She lives with her parents in a suburban home filled with love. He comes from a wealthy, privileged background and has a controlling father who isn’t interested in his son’s dreams, his father has chosen his life path for him.
When Jonathan asks Kennedy to run away with him, to follow his dream, she doesn’t hesitate. What begins as a dream turns into a nightmare. After a few years of struggling to make ends meet, Jonathan finally gets the break he was desperate for but in following his own dreams, he forgot about Kennedy. After sticking it out for as long as she can, she decides to leave but she is not alone, she is carrying Jonathans baby.
Five years later, Kennedy works at the local supermarket full time and is raising her five year old daughter Maddie. Life is busy for Kennedy but she has an awesome dad who is happy to help her out with Maddie. Maddie is a huge fan of superheroes, especially the star of those comics that Kennedy loved as a teenager. Jonathan is the lead character in the movie adaptations and has no idea his biggest fan is his own daughter. A little girl he has never met.
Jonathan has battled with his addiction to drugs and alcohol the past few years, during that time he has made attempts to see Maddie but each time he has been turned away by Kennedy because he was either high or drunk. Twelve months ago was a turning point for him and he has now been a year sober. When there is an unexpected break in his filming schedule, he decides to make contact with Kennedy again. And this time she agrees.
And that is where I will leave any more details about this book because I want you to go into with no expectations other than to enjoy and love this beautiful second chance love story.
"But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from it all, it’s that we have to be our own heroes. No guy in a costume is coming to save us. We have to save ourselves ."
There's always been something so heartbreaking about celebrity romances for me. When done right, there's a somber undertone to the story, an overwhelming sense of impending loss, a fear of being left behind. When a Hollywood love story is executed well, as a reader, I can't help but feel that wholly encompassing fear that the character and I are both losing someone we love to the world, to celebrity, to everything that comes along with fame. JM Darhower NAILS that feeling in Ghosted, a heart wrenching second chance romance between a boy with big dreams and a girl who gives up everything so he can chase them. I can't even put into words how FANTASTIC this book is. I can't properly explain how much I FELT while I read this book. JM Darhower is one of my absolute favorite authors, and while this book is so unlike anything she's ever written before, a book I never, ever expected, it's one of my top favorite books from her to date.
Ghosted is written in a way that is so refreshing, so different from anything else I've read. It took some getting used to, the way Darhower illustrates the flashbacks in this story, but once I fully grasped what the author was revealing by writing them the way she did, it was like a punch to the gut. It's heartbreaking and beautiful and so intense, seeing things unfold the way we're able to in those scenes. It packs such a punch, adds such a complex layer of emotion and angst to an already tumultuous story, and it made me appreciate the brilliant writing and storytelling of this author in a way I never had before.
I read this entire book with my heart in a vice. This book is relentless with those deliciously brutal heart tugs, the pleasure pain a constant reminder of just how difficult, how right, how perfectly messy the dynamic has become between Jonathan and Kennedy. And every time I think back on this book, on the most unforgettable scenes, on the most romantic moments, on the parts that were so painful they took my breath away, my heart squeezes in my chest all over again. For me, a measure of a really fantastic love story is how often I can literally feel my chest aching. Ghosted gripped my heart and never relented. I haven't read a book that gripped my heart like this one did in so long and I wish it wasn't over. This isn't a short book by any means and I still NEVER WANTED IT TO END.
I can't say it enough... THIS BOOK IS PERFECTION. I'd change nothing. I'd critique nothing. I'm left wanting for nothing. This story is surprisingly funny, unbelievably emotional and completely addictive from the very first page to the very last. It felt SO REAL. The banter between these characters (ALL OF THEM) is so sharp, so quick, so perfect. The way the author allows this story to evolve is just... EVERYTHING. It's phenomenal. The timing and the pacing and the perfectly placed humor, the steamy scenes and the moments of heartache, the characters that you can't help but fall HEAD OVER HEELS COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH, the romance, the angst, the writing, the groveling, the headstrong heroine that never makes this easy, the deliciously infuriating hero that makes you love him even when it's hard, the flashbacks and the broken dreams and the drama that comes along with fame... this book is ALL THE THINGS and my words can never do justice to how AMAZING it is. There just aren't words. It's. That. Good.
I want to feel Ghosted feels every time I open a book. I want to hurt and laugh and long and fear and feel completely consumed EXACTLY the way I felt while reading THIS BOOK always. It's everything a second chance romance was ever meant to be. It's everything a Hollywood romance was ever meant to be. It's everything a good love story was ever meant to be but it was never fluffy or sugary sweet or rushed or over the top or forced or overly dramatic. It was just perfect and right and I can't get enough. Hands down, Ghosted is one of my top favorite reads ever. I loved it SO much.
** spoiler alert **
Well written however, I am sooo tired of weak female characters. The story was all about Johnny and how her life basically revolved around him. It's infuriating because I felt like Kennedy really wasn't her own person without Johnathan. The minute he comes back she barely puts up any fight before she accepts him back. The author did a poor job of showing any resilience Kennedy might have had by glossing over her futile attempts at rejecting him.
I prefer stories where females are independent and just as strong (if not more), as their male counterparts. I guess that's where I would relate more to the characters.

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