From the MixedUp Files of Mrs Basil EFrankweiler EL Konigsburg 9780744583274 Books

From the MixedUp Files of Mrs Basil EFrankweiler EL Konigsburg 9780744583274 Books
Oh this book is such a classic! Young girl who is the oldest sister decides to run away. She carefully selects her accomplice (second younger brother jamie) and then camps out in the Met. Good golly! How awesome! This was the original museum slumber party! I (re)read this book with my 13 year old and 11 year old twins - all boys - and we had a great time imagining what it would be like to: (1) not bathe except in a public water fountain; (2) pick up all the coins in said water fountain; and (3) eat junk food all the time. I believe I have the kids sold on running away, but they cannot decide if they would rather live in the California Museum of Science or the Bay Area Discovery Museum. Personal anecdotes aside, this book stands the test of time. Eternal themes of curiosity, loyalty, and good judgement reverberate through the pages of this well written, well paced story. This is an absolute must read for everyone, especially anyone over 50 who grew up in New York City!!
Tags : From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs Basil E.Frankweiler [E.L. Konigsburg] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.,E.L. Konigsburg,From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs Basil E.Frankweiler,Gardners Books,0744583276,Crime & mystery fiction (Children'sYA),Children: Grades 4-6
From the MixedUp Files of Mrs Basil EFrankweiler EL Konigsburg 9780744583274 Books Reviews
This is a delightful read for kids (and adults) of any age. Creative, imaginative and inspiring. Wish I had had the imagination to have run to something when I was at these kids age. Maybe, at my age it would be the adventure of my silver years. It's a thought. The first thought is
Where do I want to run away to? The second is who would I want to run with me?
I read this book in...4th or 5th grade. It has stuck with me. I still find it enjoyable and maybe more so looking at it with adult eyes. Yes the world has changed and this adventure could not happen the same, but the sentiment of finding ones self, the hope of a mystery, the enjoyment of knowledge has ever changed.
This was one of my favorite books when I was a kid(I'm 52 now). Imagine my surprise when I received my book in the mail & it had the exact cover as the copy I checked out (& re-checked out many many times) from the library. Newberry seal & all. But the thing that made my heart skip a beat was when I realized that the copy I was sent was, not only a 1st edition but, was autographed by E.L. Konisberg! Now it's a VERY special addition to my library. Although I know I was lucky to get the copy I did, the story itself is wonderful. I think any young reader would enjoy it. There's drama, comedy, & moments where the reader will be holding their breath. Even after all these years, when I re-read it as an adult, it was still a fun. If you're a Mom or Dad who reads to your children, you'll enjoy it right along with them. But, because the kids in the story run away to the MMOA in New York, you may want to read it first & judge for yourself if your kids would find it too scary or give them any 'ideas'.(The kids DO go back home however!)
"From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler" was the Newberry Medal winning book of 1968, and I read it myself shortly after that. I remember being struck at that time, as a young teenager, with what an interesting story the author made of a runaway brother and sister and a mystery they stumble across about a statue in the museum. I was utterly fascinated during the entire read, and I was a good "test case", having read and enjoyed many mysteries for kids before this one.
Far from being "encouraged to become a runaway" as some misguided reviewers criticize this story for, I can remember being concerned at how the runaways' family would be impacted by not knowing their fate. This is the type of difficult situation that kids should spend some time thinking about.
The fantasy of the kids living in the museum is just fun. They must find ways to dress, bathe, sleep, and eat, all within the normal resources which would be available to them within the museum, and the story of how they accomplish that life is interesting and entertaining.
Finally there is the mystery of the statue. A beautiful statue with an uncertain provenance, the kids become enamored of it and seek to investigate its origins. Their pursuit of answers proceeds in a logical and entirely believable series of actions which serve to drive the focus of the plot. Whether this type of story will capture the imagination and interest of kids today who are more used to video games is a question I can't answer. I would feel sorry for any kids who can't understand and become intrigued by this story, as it is a good one to spur thinking on several levels.
Highly recommended.
Children’s books are great for adults to read occasionally. In addition, to just being a change of pace, I find that the simple straight forward stories get to the essence of so many things. Children’s book don’t have to have multi-layered plots with anti-heroes or twists and turns.
Instead children’s books tell simple stories that often do a great job of getting to root meanings of life.
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs Basil E Frankweiler is one of the classics that I think has held up fairly well. Claudia, a 12 year-old oldest child that feels like she is underappreciated by her parents and decides to run away. Her younger brother, Jamie, comes with her mostly for the adventure. Most kids would identify with one or both of these reasons for running away.
They take the train from the suburbs of Connecticut to Manhattan and move into the Metropolitan Museum of Art. While they are there, a statue starts showing that may be a lost work of Michelangelo. This gives a purpose not only to the story, but especially to Claudia, who ran away in part to find purpose and meaning.
If you haven’t read the story, I won’t blow the whole thing, but I did think the book held up very well from 1967. It does not feel like an old book, although clearly there are anacronysism that modern readers (child) will not always understand (if nothing else the wildly different prices.)
I listened to the audiobook from the library. As always, books that I have not read since childhood seem so much shorter today than my memory of them. I listened to the whole thing during an afternoon of data entry work.
Oh this book is such a classic! Young girl who is the oldest sister decides to run away. She carefully selects her accomplice (second younger brother jamie) and then camps out in the Met. Good golly! How awesome! This was the original museum slumber party! I (re)read this book with my 13 year old and 11 year old twins - all boys - and we had a great time imagining what it would be like to (1) not bathe except in a public water fountain; (2) pick up all the coins in said water fountain; and (3) eat junk food all the time. I believe I have the kids sold on running away, but they cannot decide if they would rather live in the California Museum of Science or the Bay Area Discovery Museum. Personal anecdotes aside, this book stands the test of time. Eternal themes of curiosity, loyalty, and good judgement reverberate through the pages of this well written, well paced story. This is an absolute must read for everyone, especially anyone over 50 who grew up in New York City!!

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